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Combo Boxes

A combo box combines a text field with a pull-down button in a single control. The user can enter a custom value into the field or click the button to choose from a list of predefined values. When the user enters a custom value, it’s not added to the list of choices.

Mac Tools provides a wide range of tool boxes, tool chests, utility carts and more that are designed for professional mechanics. MacOS has a build in Sandbox feature which may help you but does not exactly have the same functionality as Sandboxy. This Paolo Fabio Zaino's Blog post from 2015 explains how to run Applications in a Mac OS X sandbox. He summarizes it this way: by using sandboxing, you can restrict access an application can have to operating system resources like filesystem or network etc.

Populate the field with a meaningful default value from the list. Although the field can be empty by default, it’s best when the default value alludes to the hidden choices. The default value doesn’t have to be the first item in the list.

A combo box combines a text field with a pull-down button in a single control. The user can enter a custom value into the field or click the button to choose from a list of predefined values.

Use an introductory label to let the user know what types of items to expect. Generally, labels should use title-style capitalization and end with a colon. For related guidance, see Labels.

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  1. Per our OS support policy, we will maintain support for Box on the two latest versions of Mac OS X. To continue to enjoy Box support, please be sure you’re on a supported OS, either OS X 10.14 or OS X 10.13, after this EOL date. Following the EOL date, users will be able to access these applications on OS X 10.12, but will be entirely.
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Provide relevant choices. Users appreciate being able to enter a custom value, but also appreciate the convenience of choosing from a list of the most likely choices.

Offer standalone choices. Combo boxes don’t allow multiple selections; the user can only choose a single value from the list.

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Make sure list items aren’t wider than the text field. If an item is too wide, it can be truncated and hard to read.

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For related guidance, see Text Fields and Pull-Down Buttons. For developer guidance, see NSComboBox.